Tag Archives: Companionship

T Minus Ten


Well, I am packed, so technically I could get on the plane without issue. I am physically ready. Emotionally and psychologically, however, not so much.  This is the longest trip I’ve taken since I back-packed in Europe over twenty years ago. (I’m a forty-something. Shocking, I know. I have a hard time believing it, too.) I always get worked up before a trip, but this has put me in a different state. It’s the going alone part. It’s not that I’m concerned for my safety. It’s that I really like the companionship of a travel partner. Someone to commiserate with about the long flight, relax and chat over coffee about the museum we just visited, experience and share each other’s entrée choices at a restaurant. I’m already feeling that I miss that and I haven’t even left yet. Of course, it doesn’t help that I’m missing someone very special due to the unfortunate timing of a ten day business trip. I’m in that ‘place’ to start off.

I’ve been trying to calm myself down and chill a bit as the last few things on the list get scratched off. Yesterday, I went out to dinner at Artu in the North End with a great friend, who also happens to be the travel agent responsible for booking the touring part of this trip. I highly recommend contacting him for your travel plans – Tony at Longwood Travel. (I can see him rolling his eyes at me already). I wouldn’t go to anyone else. Muuaah! So to continue my relaxation techniques I thought I would listen to my favorite garden show (Paul Parent Garden Club) on podcast while I did my errands. Let’s be honest here. What could make you more numb than listening to a guy talk about a four step program for your lawn? I am an avid gardener and even I was struggling to stay conscious! A lesser enthusiast would have contemplated cutting just to feel something through the boredom. So, here it is, 10 hours before my flight. I’ve got a little organizing to do, but I’m there, as ready as I’m going to be. And, I don’t think it’s a secret to anyone that I won’t be sleeping tonight….